

Every day thousands of Ukrainians visit OKKO. This is a place in between - they are no longer at home, but not yet at work, it is not yet their destination, but they are already on their way. Therefore, we thought that we could become more than an ordinary filling station. OKKO can be a place for ideas, where our clients can rest, refresh, meet their business partners, friends or just calmly meditate with a cup of coffee.


The Open Joint Stock Company “Concern Galnaftogaz” owns more than 400 filling stations under the OKKO brand. The company also operates the country’s largest network of roadhouses, including 35 restaurants, which operate under the brands A la minute, Pasta Mia and Meiwei. The OKKO network units sell goods through the shops at filling stations, sell petroleum products by wholesale and retail, and provide services for fuel quality testing, petroleum products storage and transportation. The OKKO network operates 11 tank farms and 16 stationary and mobile quality control laboratories for petroleum products.


Ideas are our new currency. You can’t deposit them, or buy cryptocurrency with them, or invest them in business. But, despite that, ideas are the most valuable currency in the modern world. That is why our mission is as follows: “To bring more good ideas to life in Ukraine!”

Non-financial reports


  • 2023

    During 2023, OKKO network opened 3 new fuel stations, and completed the rebuilding at 6 more complexes after damage caused by military operations.

    During the year, the OKKO network installed 23 liquefied gas modules at its fuel stations. As of the end of 2023, 330 of the company's fuel stations out of 404 already had gas modules in their facilities.

    Near Kyiv, in town of Brovary was opened a laboratory for quality control of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

    During the year, OKKO deployed a network of high-speed electric chargers with a capacity of 120/150 kW on two Ukrainian highways "Kyiv-Odesa" and "Kyiv-Lviv-Chop", as well as at the entrance/exit from Kyiv towards Poltava and Kharkiv. As of the end of the year, ULTRA FAST chargers were installed at 15 fuel stations. The installation works are ongoing and the total investment in the project will exceed 60 million hryvnias.

    In 2023, OKKO network was replenished with 56 new solar power plants, placed on the roof of the operating room. These SPP give possibility to offset part of the electricity costs of station's own needs. As of the end of the year, more than 120 such SPPs were working in the network.

    OKKO network transferred more than UAH 48 million hryvnias to initiative "TDFs’ Long Arms” by "COME BACK ALIVE" foundation, thus completely closing the collection of funds for this project. In general, the fund raised 333 million hryvnias for Territorial defense units for reconnaissance and strike systems (RUK) with 120 mm mortars.

    On April 10, 2023, OKKO network COME BACK ALIVE completed the collection of UAH 325 million for 25 SHARK intelligence complexes for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And in September, within the joint initiative "OKO ZA OKO" the transfer of all 25 SHARK unmanned reconnaissance systems to the defense forces was completed.

    Already on April 11, OKKO network and COME BACK ALIVE launched a second wave of assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine ‘’OKO ZA OKO-2. Arm TDF to the teeth." Its purpose is to cover the urgent needs in automatic grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and mortars in all Territorial defense brigades. Aiming this, the company and the fund accumulate 400 million hryvnias. The project was completed on December 10, and up to the end of 2023, the entire batch of 200 heavy machine guns and part of mortars and grenade launchers were handed over to the soldiers of TDF.

    OKKO network was awarded by the President of Ukraine "For the Defense of Ukraine", as the company was one of those that in the shortest time restored the uninterrupted operation of fuel stations in de-occupied Kherson. The award ceremony took place in the Odesa Regional State Administration.

    During the year, OKKO network provided 18,000 liters of fuel to the charity fund Smart Medical Aid so that 100 ambulances purchased in Great Britain, Ireland and the Netherlands could reach the frontline regions.

    The company financed the installation of 4 shelters in educational institutions within the framework of the all-Ukrainian program of KSE Foundation "Safe Education".

    To eliminate the consequences of the explosion at Kakhovskaya HPP, OKKO network transferred fuel of UAH 10 million worth to Kherson region.

    "Forbes Ukraine" magazine and the job search site work.ua have published a ranking of the country's best employers during wartime. OKKO took 28th place in the rating, improving its last year's result, up in the rating for 6 points.

    On March 31, the results of the VIII National rating "Reputational ACTIVISTS" were announced, where OKKO brand became the winner in the nomination "Fuel and energy complex - retail of petroleum products".

    "TOP-100. Ratings of the largest" edition jointly with delo.ua published the rating of the best employers of Ukraine, which included 50 companies. OKKO took 9th place in the rating.

    The joint project of OKKO and "COME BACK ALIVE" foundation was recognized as one of the best in the "Social Marketing" nomination as part of the X-RAY marketing project competition by the MMR publication.

    OKKO took first place in the category "Retailer of the Year in the PEK segment" at the RAU Awards 2023, receiving the highest number of points from experts and market participants.

    At the end of the year, OKKO became a member of the community "Business Without Barriers", in which more than 30 large businesses from various industries united around the initiative of Olena Zelenska, the First Lady of Ukraine.

    OKKO supported the initiative "Donate to Evacuate" of Kyiv School of Economics with $95,000. Currently, one of the two MEDEVAC medical evacuation helicopters, for which funds were collected as part of the initiative, is already saving the lives of military personnel. This is the fastest transport for evacuating the wounded - it arrives approximately in 15 minutes, which significantly increases the chances to receive timely medical help and stay alive.

    Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, for the needs of the Armed Forces, the company has transferred 8 truck tractors, 7 semi-trailer fuel tanks and 2 aircraft refueling semi-trailers. Thanks to this equipment, Ukrainian defenders can better organize the logistics of providing petroleum products.

    In total, for 2022-2023, the company's contribution to the assistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the rebuilding of the country amounted to more than UAH 1.3 billion.

  • 2022

    Starting the year 2022 and before the full-scale invasion, 425 fuel stations of OKKO brand were operating in Ukraine. New complexes were opened in Kyiv, Lviv and Odesa region. During the year after the war started, 52 fuel stations were badly destroyed during the hostilities, but the company managed to restore 39 of them.

    In 2022, the company installed 9 more liquefied gas modules at its stations. Three of them are in Kyiv, one each in Lviv, Dnipro, Odesa, Vinnytsia, Bila Tserkva (Kyiv region), and Chortkiv (Ternopil region). Currently, you can fill up with gas at 287 OKKO fuel stations around all regions of Ukraine.

    OKKO company invested about 8 million hryvnias in setting a new universal mobile laboratory, able to quick check up of physical, chemical and operational characteristics of not only gasoline and diesel fuel, but also liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

    In 2022, 65 fuel stations of OKKO network used electricity generated by roof solar panels installed at these stations for their needs. In total, they produced 1.7 million kWh of electricity, helping the company to save more than UAH 7 million on the purchase of energy from external sources.

    In January 2022, there was published the ranking of the country's best employers, presented by "Forbes Ukraine" publication and the job search site work.ua, where OKKO company took its 35th place.

    In March, OKKO defined the priority areas of assistance to the military and civilian population and launched several programs in parallel. Thus, since the first days of the invasion, within the framework of the project "Warm the defenders", OKKO provides free food for defenders at its fuel stations with near combat zones.

    During the year, we helped with fuel to charitable and public organizations involved in the evacuation of the population and the delivery of humanitarian supply; "Azov" regiment and "COME BACK ALIVE" foundation. OKKO also provided fuel for the rebuilding of infrastructure facilities in destroyed towns of Kyiv region - Irpin, Gostomel, Bucha, Vorzel, Borodyanka and city of Chernihiv. We helped to restore educational institutions in Kyiv region - Lyceum No. 1 and "Rainbow" nursery school in Gostomel, Bobrytska gymnasium and school in Rozvazhiv village. Restoration works were carried out in a short term: for example, the Day of Knowledge – 1st of September in Gostomel Lyceum No. 1 was celebrated by schoolchildren in an already restored building.

    OKKO provided funds to the Lviv Defense Cluster for manufacturing of anti-fragmentation vests. Also, significant funds were allocated for the arrangement of shelters in secondary schools. OKKO was among the first Ukrainian businesses to respond the initiative of Olena Zelenska, the First Lady of Ukraine, to raise funds for ambulances. Thus, OKKO financed the purchase of 5 ambulances through the UNITED24 platform, which have been saving lives in the frontline regions for already six months. Also, OKKO bought and handed over a vehicle for "Alfa" special unit.

    Online publication Delo.ua compiled a database of Ukrainian companies and entrepreneurs who believed in Ukraine before the war, supported during and formed their own "front" to help the country. OKKO company entered this ranking with 6 assistance programs for military personnel and victims of war.

    On October 27, the winners of the HR Brand 2022 Award were announced online, where OKKO’s project - "Decent Work in Ukraine" community in social networks and messengers - won nomination in "HR Marketing in Action".

    On November 1, OKKO fuel station network and the "COME BACK ALIVE" foundation of competent assistance to Army launched a joint initiative "OKO ZA OKO" aiming to purchasing 25 reconnaissance unmanned aerial systems "SHARK" for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. One complex includes all-terrain vehicle equipped with a control point, a launcher and two unmanned aerial devices. In addition, as part of the initiative, 25 more reserve UAVs were purchased for the Armed Forces to replace lost or damaged units.

    The total amount of aid that OKKO network provided in 2022 to Ukrainian defenders, volunteers and local communities that suffered from hostilities or occupation made UAH 207.7 million.

    On November 17, after Kherson liberation from the Russian occupiers, OKKO network resumed the operation of its fuel stations in the city.

    At the end of the year, OKKO took the first place with a 25% market share.

  • 2021

    Over the year 2021 OKKO network opened +10 new filling stations. Thereby, at the end of 2021 OKKO network expanded to 420 filling complexes in Ukraine. New stations were opened in Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Dnipro, also in Kyiv region and Chernihiv region. We maintained the second position in network quantity of the filling stations and market share in Ukraine.

     At almost 80% of OKKO network stations there is an option to refuel with liquefied gas. In order to open new filling stations with this type of fuel, we invested about 40 million UAH for both newly built and operating filling stations.

     In March OKKO social project “Please live! Safety on the road” was recognized as one of the best in the nomination “Social Project of the Year”. The award took place as part of the X-RAY Marketing Awards from the MMR periodical, which identified projects and companies that remained "in touch" with customers and continued to work efficiently during the challenging quarantine restrictions.

    In May, OKKO company took 1st place in the category "PEK - retail of petrochemicals" according to the VII National Rating Quality of Corporate Reputation Management “Reputational ACTIVists”.

    In July, OKKO purchased the first set of 24 special bitumen trucks to establish its own system of logistics and sales in Ukraine as bitumen is used in road construction. 

    At the end of the same month, OKKO opened a new filling station in Lviv. It became the first station with a drive-through window presenting a wide range of cafe's dishes - OKKO Drive.

    In August, "Focus" periodical published its own rating of 50 well-known and successful Ukrainian brands that gained recognition and respect from customers. According to the results OKKO took 19th place in the overall rating and became the only representative of Ukrainian fuel retail. 

    In September, our network was recognized as the best company in Ukraine in fuel retail. The award was received at the “RAU Awards 2021 forum” held by the Association of Retailers of Ukraine. 

    OKKO is the largest taxpayer at Ukraine's fuel market. In September these conclusions were made by online magazine "Rating. Business in official figures" based on the analysis of tax reporting. Per 9 months of 2021, we paid 1.23 billion UAH to the budgets.

    At the end of the year 2021, 2 more laboratories completed the procedure of state accreditation for petrochemicals quality control. Both work in Kherson and have the task to control the quality of fuel imported by sea. Thus, OKKO network already has 21 laboratories - 17 stationary and 4 mobile.

     According to the results of 2021 OKKO was among the 30 best employers of Ukraine according to the rating formed by publications “TOP-100. Rating of the largest” and delo.ua. These thirty were chosen from almost 200 largest companies of the country.

  • 2020

    During 2020, 11 filling stations were opened in the OKKO filling complexes network: 7 of them were newly built facilities, and 4 were complexes where capital reconstruction was carried out on the site of old filling stations. During the same period, the company installed 16 new modules for liquefied gas. In addition, the company has updated in a new modern format the appearance and trading halls at 45 filling stations of the network. In total, the company has invested over UAH 500 million in these works.

    The International Finance Corporation and the EBRD have opened USD 35 million in credit lines to OKKO.

    In March, the company joined the initiative of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and financed 50 000 transportations of medical workers.

    In July, OKKO together with the Ridni Charitable Foundation donated 8 artificial lungs ventilation machines to ho hospitals.

    The new stage of the annual project "Please, live! Road safety!" was launched and was dedicated to the topic of road safety in the dark, called "Please, shine!". According to the statistics of the National Police of Ukraine for 2019 — 3454 people died in road accidents, and 40% of them were due to a collision with a pedestrian. This figure can be reduced due to the reflective elements, which reduces the risk of the car crashing 6 times. The campaign was divided into two stages: as part of the first, a laser projection of a social video was shown on the building of the National Library named after V.I. Vernadsky, where it was told how reflectors save lives. The second stage of the project is a national Olympiad among students who shot social videos about the importance of using reflective elements.

    The company's long-term project to increase the level of road safety in Ukraine "Please, live! Road safety" is included in the business publication "Vlast deneg" in the top 20 best CSR programs.

    In the rating of "Delo.ua" called "TOP-100. Ratings of the largest" OKKO filling complexes network entered three different categories — the largest taxpayers, sustainable development and reputation and those who pay much attention to sustainable development.

    In August 2020, the business/media bureau ekonomika+ published a special issue of the magazine "TOP-100. Ratings of the largest", where OKKO was represented in three rankings — "TOP best CSR projects", "Best employers in the country" and "TOP-30 best HR directors of Ukraine ".

  • 2019

    In 2019 4 new gas stations were opened and 34 operating ones were reconstructed, 18 new gas modules and 16 steam showcases with Pan-Asian cuisine were installed at filling stations.

    The restaurant of new Food Garage format was opened in Lviv at vul. Heroiv UPA, 72, on September 5. It offers dishes from all three restaurant brands of the company - A la Minute, Pasta Mia and Meiwei. Food Garage is designed to serve up to 120 customers simultaneously.

    As part of the 7th HR Wisdom Summit, organized by the bureau ‘Economy +’, ‘Delo.ua’ and the project ‘TOP-100. Ratings of the largest’, OKKO filling complexes network is marked at TOP-10 in the nomination ‘Employer Brands’ and in a separate nomination ‘HR –loyalty’.

    According to FOCUS magazine, it is among the top three employers in Ukraine, in the retail field.

    The company’s long-term project to increase the level of road safety in Ukraine ‘Please, live! Road Safety’ is included by the business edition ‘The Power of Money’ in the top 20 best CSR (corporate social responsibility) programs.

    In the rating of ‘Delo.ua’ called ‘TOP-100. Ratings of the largest’ OKKO filling stations network fell into three different categories: the largest taxpayers, sustainable development and reputation, and those who pay much attention to sustainable development.

    As of the end of 2019, mini-departments of Meest Express were opened at 334 OKKO gas stations.

  • 2018

    The company has changed its marketing positioning and introduces a new mission – “To bring more good ideas to life in Ukraine!”. The new branding of the OKKO network received 2 awards of the prestigious international contest Red Dot Design Awards 2018 in the nomination “Best of the Best” and the Grand Prix in the nomination “Communication design”.

    The highest filling station in Ukraine has been opened in Kyiv. The facility is located at several levels in the centre of a major traffic junction and simultaneously serves two main highways that intersect at different altitudes.

    The complete modernization project of the refinery facilities at the oil terminal in Lviv was completed, and as a result, the load on the city's wastewater treatment facilities was substantially reduced. The project cost was 7 million UAH.

    2 new restaurants were opened.

    The campaign “Choose life – give up on dummy plugs” was conducted in January-March within the framework of the project “I beg you, fasten the seat belt”. It resulted in the creation of an art-object – it was a real size car seat to draw the attention of drivers and passengers to the need to the constant use of seat belts. The art-object travelled all around Ukraine and was exhibited in 5 service centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    OKKO and the children's educational and rehabilitation centre Dzherelo have launched a joint project on collecting paper for recycling at filling stations of the network. All funds received for the collection of recycled materials will be directed to the rehabilitation of 300 children from the centre.

  • 2017

    The service OKKO Pay was launched. It enables the drivers to fill in their cars and pay for the fuel directly at fuel dispensers, so they don`t have to resort to a cashier.

    The company opened three warehouses to store mineral fertilizers in Khmelnytskyi, Rivne and Vinnytsia oblasts.

    OKKO obtained a license to trade with natural gas

    In the field of the restaurant business, the company introduced two new formats: city Pan Asian cuisine restaurants MeiWei and “Bread and meat” concept of A la minute restaurants

    Many of filling stations were equipped with thermal display cases, so clients can always get a warm dish or a proper meal.

    The company launched the next stage of the social project "I beg you, live! Road Safety ", devoted to the necessity of using children's car seats.

  • 2016

    Three stand-alone stations that sell only liquefied gas were commenced in the network.

    The company initiated a number of legislative proposals to improve the administration of taxes in the sphere of fuel retail and ensure significant additional revenues to the State Budget.

    The company created new structural subdivision “OKKO-Agrotrade” which aims at ensuring that Ukrainian farmers are fully supplied with fuel, mineral fertilizers, energy sources, finances, etc.

  • 2015

    The first Pan Asian MeiWei was opened at a filling station on Novokostyantinovska Street in Kуіv.

  • 2014

    “Concern Galnaftogaz” took 126 place in the ranking of Top 500 Companies in Central and Eastern Europe, which is annually prepared by International Consulting Company Deloitte. The OKKO network included over 400 filling stations, 32 restaurants A la minute, 8 restaurants Pasta Mia, and Hot Café network.

    In cooperation with its partners(“Raiffeisen Bank Aval”, “Terrin”, “Concern Hlibprom”, and “Investgazeta”), the company held a photo contest “Ukraine in Focus” and collected more than 200 photos. At the end of the contest, a photo book was published.

    The company started a new project “I beg you, live! Road Safety” with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

  • 2013

    The company rose up to the 18th place in the ranking of 200 largest companies in Ukraine, which is annually prepared by Forbes-Ukraine magazine, and up to the 137th place in Top-500 companies in Central and Eastern Europe, prepared by Deloitte.

    Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Furshet supermarket chain, Allo and Mobilochka digital technology stores became the new business partners of the program FISHKA. As a result, Fishka became the national loyalty program with the largest number of retail locations.

    The company prepared non-financial report according to the GRI methodology for the first time and widely presented it for the experts and the business communities in Kyiv and Lviv.

    The number of OKKO branded filling stations has grown to 400 objects. One of the newly opened filling stations (Gatne village, Odesa-Kyiv route) was recognized as the best filling station of CIS in July, 2013.

  • 2012

    ОККО filling station network has expanded to more than 360 objects. The company strengthened its position in eastern and southern Ukraine.

    ОККО filling stations in Kyiv were equipped with the first device for recharging electric vehicles in Ukraine. Vitaliy Antonov, President of Concern Galnaftogaz, is recognized as the Best top-manager in the Ukrainian oil industry and the second in the nomination “Seller and marketer” according to the ranking by Top 100 magazine.

  • 2011

    Agreements of financing package of total 190 million USD were signed with EBRD, IFC, BSTDB, ING-Bank and FMO.

    The first Italian restaurant “Pasta Mia” was opened.

    The network was recognised as the best domestic company on the Ukrainian Investment Summit “Adam Smith Conferences”.

    Two new mobile laboratories for quality control of petroleum products were purchased in addition to two already operating in the company structure.

  • 2010

    “Concern Galnaftogaz” shares were included into Ukrainian exchange first-level listing.

    The program of introduction of accessibility requirements – the unimpeded access for limited mobility people, people in wheelchairs, to the filling stations – is actively implemented.

    Pulls Diesel – the new type of premium diesel fuel – was marketed.

  • 2009

    FISHKA loyalty program for regular customers was launched.

    First Tobi branded stores operating outside OKKO filling stations were opened in Lviv. “Concern Galnaftogaz” occupied 9.3% of Ukraine’s retail market of petroleum products.

  • 2008

    Two OKKO river stations were put into operation.

    The campaign for combating human trafficking in Ukraine was launched in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in Ukraine and the UN country team agency.

    The company joined the informational and educational UN campaign “Go Green!” in Ukraine.

  • 2007

    “Concern Galnaftogaz” took the first place in the Ukrainian Corporate Governance rating by Concorde Capital Investment Bank.

    First OKKO CNG station was opened in Burshtyn of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast (the sale of compressed natural gas).

    The first A la minute restaurant was opened at OKKO filling station network (Kalynivka village near Kyiv).

    The new type of premium fuel Pulls 95 was marketed.

    Company’s market share increased to 7.1%, which is the 3rd place in Ukraine.

  • 2006

    The first mobile laboratory for quality control of petroleum products was purchased.

    The largest filling station in Ukraine was commenced at the customs check point in Chop.

  • 2005

    CATRO International Management Consulting performed the human resource audit of OKKO. The company issued a second set of bonds (D, E, and F series) for 90 million UAH.

    In 2005, the company’s depositary receipts were listed on Frankfurt Stock Exchange electronic trading system XETRA.

  • 2004

    The company was among the first Ukrainian companies to approve and implement the Corporate Governance Code jointly with the International Finance Corporation.

    The company’s stakeholders approved the Strategic business development plan for 2004–2008. More than 25 000 OKKO smart cards were issued.

  • 2003

    OKKO occupied 5.4% of Ukraine’s retail market of petroleum products.

    The company issued the first set of bonds for the sum of 30 million UAH.

    Since 2003 the international auditing company Ernst & Young has been performing annual comprehensive audits of the company’s financial and economic activities.

  • 2002

    The network consisted of 160 filling stations.

    First OKKO filling station was opened in Kyiv.

  • 2001

    In 2001 the merger of OJSC Ivano-Frankivsknaftoprodukt, OJSC Zakarpatnaftoprodukt-Uzhhorod and OJSC Zakarpatnaftoprodukt-Khust resulted in the establishment of Open Joint-Stock Company Concern Galnaftogaz (OKKO filling stations network). The concern launched one of its first successful projects – non-cash payments for fuel and services with fuel smart-cards “OKKO-card”.

    The first loan from EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) in the amount of USD 1.2 million was received.

  • 2000

    In 2000, the first large OKKO filling station with a convenience store, cafe and portal car wash was opened on Zelena Street in Lviv.

  • 1999

    In 1999, the first OKKO-branded filling station was opened in Stryi (Lviv obl.).

  • 1995-1998

    In 1995-1998, the similar enterprises were established in Uzhhorod and Khust in Zakarpattya oblast. Enterprises in Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattya oblasts were reorganized into Open Joint-Stock Companies. Later, the OJSC Concern Galnaftogaz will be created on their basis.

  • 1993-1994

    On the 31st of August of 1993, the Ivano-Frankivsk regional production and commercial company “Ivano-Frankivsknaftoprodukt” was created; in 1994 it was reorganized into CJSC Ivano-Frankivsknaftoprodukt.

  • During 2023, OKKO network opened 3 new fuel stations, and completed the rebuilding at 6 more complexes after damage caused by military operations.

    During the year, the OKKO network installed 23 liquefied gas modules at its fuel stations. As of the end of 2023, 330 of the company's fuel stations out of 404 already had gas modules in their facilities.

    Near Kyiv, in town of Brovary was opened a laboratory for quality control of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

    During the year, OKKO deployed a network of high-speed electric chargers with a capacity of 120/150 kW on two Ukrainian highways "Kyiv-Odesa" and "Kyiv-Lviv-Chop", as well as at the entrance/exit from Kyiv towards Poltava and Kharkiv. As of the end of the year, ULTRA FAST chargers were installed at 15 fuel stations. The installation works are ongoing and the total investment in the project will exceed 60 million hryvnias.

    In 2023, OKKO network was replenished with 56 new solar power plants, placed on the roof of the operating room. These SPP give possibility to offset part of the electricity costs of station's own needs. As of the end of the year, more than 120 such SPPs were working in the network.

    OKKO network transferred more than UAH 48 million hryvnias to initiative "TDFs’ Long Arms” by "COME BACK ALIVE" foundation, thus completely closing the collection of funds for this project. In general, the fund raised 333 million hryvnias for Territorial defense units for reconnaissance and strike systems (RUK) with 120 mm mortars.

    On April 10, 2023, OKKO network COME BACK ALIVE completed the collection of UAH 325 million for 25 SHARK intelligence complexes for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And in September, within the joint initiative "OKO ZA OKO" the transfer of all 25 SHARK unmanned reconnaissance systems to the defense forces was completed.

    Already on April 11, OKKO network and COME BACK ALIVE launched a second wave of assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine ‘’OKO ZA OKO-2. Arm TDF to the teeth." Its purpose is to cover the urgent needs in automatic grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and mortars in all Territorial defense brigades. Aiming this, the company and the fund accumulate 400 million hryvnias. The project was completed on December 10, and up to the end of 2023, the entire batch of 200 heavy machine guns and part of mortars and grenade launchers were handed over to the soldiers of TDF.

    OKKO network was awarded by the President of Ukraine "For the Defense of Ukraine", as the company was one of those that in the shortest time restored the uninterrupted operation of fuel stations in de-occupied Kherson. The award ceremony took place in the Odesa Regional State Administration.

    During the year, OKKO network provided 18,000 liters of fuel to the charity fund Smart Medical Aid so that 100 ambulances purchased in Great Britain, Ireland and the Netherlands could reach the frontline regions.

    The company financed the installation of 4 shelters in educational institutions within the framework of the all-Ukrainian program of KSE Foundation "Safe Education".

    To eliminate the consequences of the explosion at Kakhovskaya HPP, OKKO network transferred fuel of UAH 10 million worth to Kherson region.

    "Forbes Ukraine" magazine and the job search site work.ua have published a ranking of the country's best employers during wartime. OKKO took 28th place in the rating, improving its last year's result, up in the rating for 6 points.

    On March 31, the results of the VIII National rating "Reputational ACTIVISTS" were announced, where OKKO brand became the winner in the nomination "Fuel and energy complex - retail of petroleum products".

    "TOP-100. Ratings of the largest" edition jointly with delo.ua published the rating of the best employers of Ukraine, which included 50 companies. OKKO took 9th place in the rating.

    The joint project of OKKO and "COME BACK ALIVE" foundation was recognized as one of the best in the "Social Marketing" nomination as part of the X-RAY marketing project competition by the MMR publication.

    OKKO took first place in the category "Retailer of the Year in the PEK segment" at the RAU Awards 2023, receiving the highest number of points from experts and market participants.

    At the end of the year, OKKO became a member of the community "Business Without Barriers", in which more than 30 large businesses from various industries united around the initiative of Olena Zelenska, the First Lady of Ukraine.

    OKKO supported the initiative "Donate to Evacuate" of Kyiv School of Economics with $95,000. Currently, one of the two MEDEVAC medical evacuation helicopters, for which funds were collected as part of the initiative, is already saving the lives of military personnel. This is the fastest transport for evacuating the wounded - it arrives approximately in 15 minutes, which significantly increases the chances to receive timely medical help and stay alive.

    Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, for the needs of the Armed Forces, the company has transferred 8 truck tractors, 7 semi-trailer fuel tanks and 2 aircraft refueling semi-trailers. Thanks to this equipment, Ukrainian defenders can better organize the logistics of providing petroleum products.

    In total, for 2022-2023, the company's contribution to the assistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the rebuilding of the country amounted to more than UAH 1.3 billion.

  • Starting the year 2022 and before the full-scale invasion, 425 fuel stations of OKKO brand were operating in Ukraine. New complexes were opened in Kyiv, Lviv and Odesa region. During the year after the war started, 52 fuel stations were badly destroyed during the hostilities, but the company managed to restore 39 of them.

    In 2022, the company installed 9 more liquefied gas modules at its stations. Three of them are in Kyiv, one each in Lviv, Dnipro, Odesa, Vinnytsia, Bila Tserkva (Kyiv region), and Chortkiv (Ternopil region). Currently, you can fill up with gas at 287 OKKO fuel stations around all regions of Ukraine.

    OKKO company invested about 8 million hryvnias in setting a new universal mobile laboratory, able to quick check up of physical, chemical and operational characteristics of not only gasoline and diesel fuel, but also liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

    In 2022, 65 fuel stations of OKKO network used electricity generated by roof solar panels installed at these stations for their needs. In total, they produced 1.7 million kWh of electricity, helping the company to save more than UAH 7 million on the purchase of energy from external sources.

    In January 2022, there was published the ranking of the country's best employers, presented by "Forbes Ukraine" publication and the job search site work.ua, where OKKO company took its 35th place.

    In March, OKKO defined the priority areas of assistance to the military and civilian population and launched several programs in parallel. Thus, since the first days of the invasion, within the framework of the project "Warm the defenders", OKKO provides free food for defenders at its fuel stations with near combat zones.

    During the year, we helped with fuel to charitable and public organizations involved in the evacuation of the population and the delivery of humanitarian supply; "Azov" regiment and "COME BACK ALIVE" foundation. OKKO also provided fuel for the rebuilding of infrastructure facilities in destroyed towns of Kyiv region - Irpin, Gostomel, Bucha, Vorzel, Borodyanka and city of Chernihiv. We helped to restore educational institutions in Kyiv region - Lyceum No. 1 and "Rainbow" nursery school in Gostomel, Bobrytska gymnasium and school in Rozvazhiv village. Restoration works were carried out in a short term: for example, the Day of Knowledge – 1st of September in Gostomel Lyceum No. 1 was celebrated by schoolchildren in an already restored building.

    OKKO provided funds to the Lviv Defense Cluster for manufacturing of anti-fragmentation vests. Also, significant funds were allocated for the arrangement of shelters in secondary schools. OKKO was among the first Ukrainian businesses to respond the initiative of Olena Zelenska, the First Lady of Ukraine, to raise funds for ambulances. Thus, OKKO financed the purchase of 5 ambulances through the UNITED24 platform, which have been saving lives in the frontline regions for already six months. Also, OKKO bought and handed over a vehicle for "Alfa" special unit.

    Online publication Delo.ua compiled a database of Ukrainian companies and entrepreneurs who believed in Ukraine before the war, supported during and formed their own "front" to help the country. OKKO company entered this ranking with 6 assistance programs for military personnel and victims of war.

    On October 27, the winners of the HR Brand 2022 Award were announced online, where OKKO’s project - "Decent Work in Ukraine" community in social networks and messengers - won nomination in "HR Marketing in Action".

    On November 1, OKKO fuel station network and the "COME BACK ALIVE" foundation of competent assistance to Army launched a joint initiative "OKO ZA OKO" aiming to purchasing 25 reconnaissance unmanned aerial systems "SHARK" for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. One complex includes all-terrain vehicle equipped with a control point, a launcher and two unmanned aerial devices. In addition, as part of the initiative, 25 more reserve UAVs were purchased for the Armed Forces to replace lost or damaged units.

    The total amount of aid that OKKO network provided in 2022 to Ukrainian defenders, volunteers and local communities that suffered from hostilities or occupation made UAH 207.7 million.

    On November 17, after Kherson liberation from the Russian occupiers, OKKO network resumed the operation of its fuel stations in the city.

    At the end of the year, OKKO took the first place with a 25% market share.

  • Over the year 2021 OKKO network opened +10 new filling stations. Thereby, at the end of 2021 OKKO network expanded to 420 filling complexes in Ukraine. New stations were opened in Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Dnipro, also in Kyiv region and Chernihiv region. We maintained the second position in network quantity of the filling stations and market share in Ukraine.

     At almost 80% of OKKO network stations there is an option to refuel with liquefied gas. In order to open new filling stations with this type of fuel, we invested about 40 million UAH for both newly built and operating filling stations.

     In March OKKO social project “Please live! Safety on the road” was recognized as one of the best in the nomination “Social Project of the Year”. The award took place as part of the X-RAY Marketing Awards from the MMR periodical, which identified projects and companies that remained "in touch" with customers and continued to work efficiently during the challenging quarantine restrictions.

    In May, OKKO company took 1st place in the category "PEK - retail of petrochemicals" according to the VII National Rating Quality of Corporate Reputation Management “Reputational ACTIVists”.

    In July, OKKO purchased the first set of 24 special bitumen trucks to establish its own system of logistics and sales in Ukraine as bitumen is used in road construction. 

    At the end of the same month, OKKO opened a new filling station in Lviv. It became the first station with a drive-through window presenting a wide range of cafe's dishes - OKKO Drive.

    In August, "Focus" periodical published its own rating of 50 well-known and successful Ukrainian brands that gained recognition and respect from customers. According to the results OKKO took 19th place in the overall rating and became the only representative of Ukrainian fuel retail. 

    In September, our network was recognized as the best company in Ukraine in fuel retail. The award was received at the “RAU Awards 2021 forum” held by the Association of Retailers of Ukraine. 

    OKKO is the largest taxpayer at Ukraine's fuel market. In September these conclusions were made by online magazine "Rating. Business in official figures" based on the analysis of tax reporting. Per 9 months of 2021, we paid 1.23 billion UAH to the budgets.

    At the end of the year 2021, 2 more laboratories completed the procedure of state accreditation for petrochemicals quality control. Both work in Kherson and have the task to control the quality of fuel imported by sea. Thus, OKKO network already has 21 laboratories - 17 stationary and 4 mobile.

     According to the results of 2021 OKKO was among the 30 best employers of Ukraine according to the rating formed by publications “TOP-100. Rating of the largest” and delo.ua. These thirty were chosen from almost 200 largest companies of the country.

  • During 2020, 11 filling stations were opened in the OKKO filling complexes network: 7 of them were newly built facilities, and 4 were complexes where capital reconstruction was carried out on the site of old filling stations. During the same period, the company installed 16 new modules for liquefied gas. In addition, the company has updated in a new modern format the appearance and trading halls at 45 filling stations of the network. In total, the company has invested over UAH 500 million in these works.

    The International Finance Corporation and the EBRD have opened USD 35 million in credit lines to OKKO.

    In March, the company joined the initiative of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and financed 50 000 transportations of medical workers.

    In July, OKKO together with the Ridni Charitable Foundation donated 8 artificial lungs ventilation machines to ho hospitals.

    The new stage of the annual project "Please, live! Road safety!" was launched and was dedicated to the topic of road safety in the dark, called "Please, shine!". According to the statistics of the National Police of Ukraine for 2019 — 3454 people died in road accidents, and 40% of them were due to a collision with a pedestrian. This figure can be reduced due to the reflective elements, which reduces the risk of the car crashing 6 times. The campaign was divided into two stages: as part of the first, a laser projection of a social video was shown on the building of the National Library named after V.I. Vernadsky, where it was told how reflectors save lives. The second stage of the project is a national Olympiad among students who shot social videos about the importance of using reflective elements.

    The company's long-term project to increase the level of road safety in Ukraine "Please, live! Road safety" is included in the business publication "Vlast deneg" in the top 20 best CSR programs.

    In the rating of "Delo.ua" called "TOP-100. Ratings of the largest" OKKO filling complexes network entered three different categories — the largest taxpayers, sustainable development and reputation and those who pay much attention to sustainable development.

    In August 2020, the business/media bureau ekonomika+ published a special issue of the magazine "TOP-100. Ratings of the largest", where OKKO was represented in three rankings — "TOP best CSR projects", "Best employers in the country" and "TOP-30 best HR directors of Ukraine ".

  • In 2019 4 new gas stations were opened and 34 operating ones were reconstructed, 18 new gas modules and 16 steam showcases with Pan-Asian cuisine were installed at filling stations.

    The restaurant of new Food Garage format was opened in Lviv at vul. Heroiv UPA, 72, on September 5. It offers dishes from all three restaurant brands of the company - A la Minute, Pasta Mia and Meiwei. Food Garage is designed to serve up to 120 customers simultaneously.

    As part of the 7th HR Wisdom Summit, organized by the bureau ‘Economy +’, ‘Delo.ua’ and the project ‘TOP-100. Ratings of the largest’, OKKO filling complexes network is marked at TOP-10 in the nomination ‘Employer Brands’ and in a separate nomination ‘HR –loyalty’.

    According to FOCUS magazine, it is among the top three employers in Ukraine, in the retail field.

    The company’s long-term project to increase the level of road safety in Ukraine ‘Please, live! Road Safety’ is included by the business edition ‘The Power of Money’ in the top 20 best CSR (corporate social responsibility) programs.

    In the rating of ‘Delo.ua’ called ‘TOP-100. Ratings of the largest’ OKKO filling stations network fell into three different categories: the largest taxpayers, sustainable development and reputation, and those who pay much attention to sustainable development.

    As of the end of 2019, mini-departments of Meest Express were opened at 334 OKKO gas stations.

  • The company has changed its marketing positioning and introduces a new mission – “To bring more good ideas to life in Ukraine!”. The new branding of the OKKO network received 2 awards of the prestigious international contest Red Dot Design Awards 2018 in the nomination “Best of the Best” and the Grand Prix in the nomination “Communication design”.

    The highest filling station in Ukraine has been opened in Kyiv. The facility is located at several levels in the centre of a major traffic junction and simultaneously serves two main highways that intersect at different altitudes.

    The complete modernization project of the refinery facilities at the oil terminal in Lviv was completed, and as a result, the load on the city's wastewater treatment facilities was substantially reduced. The project cost was 7 million UAH.

    2 new restaurants were opened.

    The campaign “Choose life – give up on dummy plugs” was conducted in January-March within the framework of the project “I beg you, fasten the seat belt”. It resulted in the creation of an art-object – it was a real size car seat to draw the attention of drivers and passengers to the need to the constant use of seat belts. The art-object travelled all around Ukraine and was exhibited in 5 service centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    OKKO and the children's educational and rehabilitation centre Dzherelo have launched a joint project on collecting paper for recycling at filling stations of the network. All funds received for the collection of recycled materials will be directed to the rehabilitation of 300 children from the centre.

  • The service OKKO Pay was launched. It enables the drivers to fill in their cars and pay for the fuel directly at fuel dispensers, so they don`t have to resort to a cashier.

    The company opened three warehouses to store mineral fertilizers in Khmelnytskyi, Rivne and Vinnytsia oblasts.

    OKKO obtained a license to trade with natural gas

    In the field of the restaurant business, the company introduced two new formats: city Pan Asian cuisine restaurants MeiWei and “Bread and meat” concept of A la minute restaurants

    Many of filling stations were equipped with thermal display cases, so clients can always get a warm dish or a proper meal.

    The company launched the next stage of the social project "I beg you, live! Road Safety ", devoted to the necessity of using children's car seats.

  • Three stand-alone stations that sell only liquefied gas were commenced in the network.

    The company initiated a number of legislative proposals to improve the administration of taxes in the sphere of fuel retail and ensure significant additional revenues to the State Budget.

    The company created new structural subdivision “OKKO-Agrotrade” which aims at ensuring that Ukrainian farmers are fully supplied with fuel, mineral fertilizers, energy sources, finances, etc.

  • The first Pan Asian MeiWei was opened at a filling station on Novokostyantinovska Street in Kуіv.

  • “Concern Galnaftogaz” took 126 place in the ranking of Top 500 Companies in Central and Eastern Europe, which is annually prepared by International Consulting Company Deloitte. The OKKO network included over 400 filling stations, 32 restaurants A la minute, 8 restaurants Pasta Mia, and Hot Café network.

    In cooperation with its partners(“Raiffeisen Bank Aval”, “Terrin”, “Concern Hlibprom”, and “Investgazeta”), the company held a photo contest “Ukraine in Focus” and collected more than 200 photos. At the end of the contest, a photo book was published.

    The company started a new project “I beg you, live! Road Safety” with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

  • The company rose up to the 18th place in the ranking of 200 largest companies in Ukraine, which is annually prepared by Forbes-Ukraine magazine, and up to the 137th place in Top-500 companies in Central and Eastern Europe, prepared by Deloitte.

    Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Furshet supermarket chain, Allo and Mobilochka digital technology stores became the new business partners of the program FISHKA. As a result, Fishka became the national loyalty program with the largest number of retail locations.

    The company prepared non-financial report according to the GRI methodology for the first time and widely presented it for the experts and the business communities in Kyiv and Lviv.

    The number of OKKO branded filling stations has grown to 400 objects. One of the newly opened filling stations (Gatne village, Odesa-Kyiv route) was recognized as the best filling station of CIS in July, 2013.

  • ОККО filling station network has expanded to more than 360 objects. The company strengthened its position in eastern and southern Ukraine.

    ОККО filling stations in Kyiv were equipped with the first device for recharging electric vehicles in Ukraine. Vitaliy Antonov, President of Concern Galnaftogaz, is recognized as the Best top-manager in the Ukrainian oil industry and the second in the nomination “Seller and marketer” according to the ranking by Top 100 magazine.

  • Agreements of financing package of total 190 million USD were signed with EBRD, IFC, BSTDB, ING-Bank and FMO.

    The first Italian restaurant “Pasta Mia” was opened.

    The network was recognised as the best domestic company on the Ukrainian Investment Summit “Adam Smith Conferences”.

    Two new mobile laboratories for quality control of petroleum products were purchased in addition to two already operating in the company structure.

  • “Concern Galnaftogaz” shares were included into Ukrainian exchange first-level listing.

    The program of introduction of accessibility requirements – the unimpeded access for limited mobility people, people in wheelchairs, to the filling stations – is actively implemented.

    Pulls Diesel – the new type of premium diesel fuel – was marketed.

  • FISHKA loyalty program for regular customers was launched.

    First Tobi branded stores operating outside OKKO filling stations were opened in Lviv. “Concern Galnaftogaz” occupied 9.3% of Ukraine’s retail market of petroleum products.

  • Two OKKO river stations were put into operation.

    The campaign for combating human trafficking in Ukraine was launched in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in Ukraine and the UN country team agency.

    The company joined the informational and educational UN campaign “Go Green!” in Ukraine.

  • “Concern Galnaftogaz” took the first place in the Ukrainian Corporate Governance rating by Concorde Capital Investment Bank.

    First OKKO CNG station was opened in Burshtyn of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast (the sale of compressed natural gas).

    The first A la minute restaurant was opened at OKKO filling station network (Kalynivka village near Kyiv).

    The new type of premium fuel Pulls 95 was marketed.

    Company’s market share increased to 7.1%, which is the 3rd place in Ukraine.

  • The first mobile laboratory for quality control of petroleum products was purchased.

    The largest filling station in Ukraine was commenced at the customs check point in Chop.

  • CATRO International Management Consulting performed the human resource audit of OKKO. The company issued a second set of bonds (D, E, and F series) for 90 million UAH.

    In 2005, the company’s depositary receipts were listed on Frankfurt Stock Exchange electronic trading system XETRA.

  • The company was among the first Ukrainian companies to approve and implement the Corporate Governance Code jointly with the International Finance Corporation.

    The company’s stakeholders approved the Strategic business development plan for 2004–2008. More than 25 000 OKKO smart cards were issued.

  • OKKO occupied 5.4% of Ukraine’s retail market of petroleum products.

    The company issued the first set of bonds for the sum of 30 million UAH.

    Since 2003 the international auditing company Ernst & Young has been performing annual comprehensive audits of the company’s financial and economic activities.

  • The network consisted of 160 filling stations.

    First OKKO filling station was opened in Kyiv.

  • In 2001 the merger of OJSC Ivano-Frankivsknaftoprodukt, OJSC Zakarpatnaftoprodukt-Uzhhorod and OJSC Zakarpatnaftoprodukt-Khust resulted in the establishment of Open Joint-Stock Company Concern Galnaftogaz (OKKO filling stations network). The concern launched one of its first successful projects – non-cash payments for fuel and services with fuel smart-cards “OKKO-card”.

    The first loan from EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) in the amount of USD 1.2 million was received.

  • In 2000, the first large OKKO filling station with a convenience store, cafe and portal car wash was opened on Zelena Street in Lviv.

  • In 1999, the first OKKO-branded filling station was opened in Stryi (Lviv obl.).

  • In 1995-1998, the similar enterprises were established in Uzhhorod and Khust in Zakarpattya oblast. Enterprises in Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattya oblasts were reorganized into Open Joint-Stock Companies. Later, the OJSC Concern Galnaftogaz will be created on their basis.

  • On the 31st of August of 1993, the Ivano-Frankivsk regional production and commercial company “Ivano-Frankivsknaftoprodukt” was created; in 1994 it was reorganized into CJSC Ivano-Frankivsknaftoprodukt.