Since the beginning of the full-scale war, OKKO network has transferred UAH 1.5 billion to support the Armed Forces and help in different humanitarian needs. Providing defenders of Ukraine with weapons and intelligence equipment is company’s main direction, so the significant part of the funds was directed there.
In cooperation with "COME BACK ALIVE" foundation, the company launched the third wave of OKO ZA OKO initiative. According to the results of the first stage of OKO ZA OKO initiative there were purchased 25 intelligence complexes for the Armed Forces in value of UAH 350 million, during the second stage, the sum of UAH 400 million was accumulated to purchase weapons for Territorial Defense forces, the shipment of which is ongoing - 200 heavy machine guns, 156 mortars, and 50 grenade launchers are already working at the battlefield.
The third stage of OKO ZA OKO, which started in February 2024, aims to acquire 10 combat complexes of PULLSTRON equipment and weapons for airborne assault forces. These complexes consist of more than 4,500 pieces of equipment with a total cost of UAH 500 million. We remind that within the framework of every OKO ZA OKO campaign OKKO transfers 1 hryvnia from each sold liter of Pulls brand fuel to special account for weapons purchase.
Along with our main direction - assistance to the Armed Forces, the company supported and implemented humanitarian initiatives as well. OKKO rebuilt schools in the de-occupied Kyiv region; provided with fuel state emergency services (in works on the de-occupied territories and elimination of consequences of the Kakhovska HPP explosion), purchased reanimation vehicles for the frontline regions, launched an inclusive car class in Lviv together with Uklon taxi service, etc.
According to the rating compiled by NV Business, OKKO is among the top 10 Ukrainian businesses that help the most to the Armed Forces and the state during the full-scale war. OKKO is the absolute leader in this direction among all other fuel retail companies.