We believe that the responsible business should participate in the processes important for society. That is why such projects in the sustainable development sphere constitute an integral part of the company’s activity. Since our business is directly related to roads, the safety of every road user is one of our key priorities.

"I beg you, live! Road safety" is the project aimed at changing the behaviour of road users, encourage them to treat their safety on the road with more responsibility as well as the life and health of other people. The project has been implemented on a regular basis since 2014.
Every year, more than 3 thousands of people die in road accidents in Ukraine, and more than 30 thousand are injured. Ukraine’s road traffic death rate is one of the highest in Europe. We are highly disturbed by this issue because the activity of the OKKO network is directly connected with roads and drivers.
Both our clients and employees are road users. Their safety and health are our company’s priority. That is why we encourage and convince all the road users to follow the traffic rules. That is a human life that may be the price to be paid for the failure to observe those rules.

“Blahunchyky” help us with our project. Those fantastic creatures plead every person to remember that it is necessary to be careful on the road, follow the traffic rules and respect others. They remind that your nearest and dearest are waiting for you to come home safe and sound and address you “I beg you, live!”.
- 20202020
This year we dedicated to road safety in the dark. After all, the number of accidents on the roads of Ukraine is impressive – only in 2019 there were more than 160 thousand accidents, more than 32 thousand people were injured. As a result of the accident 3454 people died, and 40% of them – due to a collision with a pedestrian.
A simple accessory – a reflector – can reduce the number of accidents in the dark, as it reduces the risk of a car crash by 6 times. To form a culture of using reflectors, we launched the project "Please, shine!", and the campaign was divided into two stages.
The first stage of the project is a laser projection of a social video on the building of the National Library named after V.I. Vernadsky. On the facade of the largest library in Ukraine for 3 days we broadcast the usual stories for all people: crossing the road, an emergency stop and a cyclist movement. In the video, we told and showed how reflectors save lives. For example, a person who crosses the road in dark clothes is completely invisible, and a reflector allows the driver to see a pedestrian 130 meters away.
The laser projection of the social video was broadcast online: on the first day of the action, the broadcast was watched by more than 20,000 people. The project managed to reach more than 2,000,000 Ukrainians on social networks.
The second stage of the project is the national Olympiad among Ukrainian schools "Please shine!". As part of the competition, students shot social videos about the importance of using reflective elements in the dark and posted them on social networks – Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube.
More than 100 schools from all over the country took part in the national Olympiad. Three schoolchildren won – students from Vyshhorod, Lviv and Rivne schools. The winners received an iPhone 11, and OKKO donated 100 sets of reflectors for students to the schools where the children study.
- 20192019
This year we have encouraged the drivers and pedestrians to stop using their smartphones and other devices when they are on the road. Therefore we developed a special VR-test for the clients and employees of the OKKO network. In the test, using modern virtual reality technologies, we modelled the situations that showed how dangerous it could be to chat, shoot stories, and surf on the Internet on the road. Everyone could take the VR-test in the central and regional offices of the company, in 30 OKKO filling stations and in 5 service centres of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, and Odesa.
- 2017-20182017
In this period, we emphasized on using safety seat belts and children’s car seats. The project lasted for 6 months and covered almost 3.5 million Ukrainians. Approximately 20 thousands of drivers received thematic stickers; 1000 drivers took part in the thematic contest, and 80 won gift certificates for children’s car seats.
Within the scopes of the project, we announced the collection of dummy plugs for safety seat belts at OKKO filling stations. We collected more than 1000 dummy plugs, which we later used to create an unusual art object –a symbolic real size car seat. The platform of the sculpture consists of automobile glass broken in road accidents. The fixture for holding information board imitates a road sign hit by a car. This illustrative art object was exhibited in service centres of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities.
- 2015-20162015
We conducted “Road Safety Day” at all OKKO filling stations. More than 10 thousands of clients of filling stations took part in those activities, refreshed their knowledge of road traffic rules and got thematic gift stickers for glass with pictures of “Blahunchyky”. We provided Ukrainian village libraries with 2 thousands of brochures “Safe road with Blahunchyky”.
- 2014-20152014
The project was launched in 2014 in cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. It covered the settlements and OKKO filling stations, situated along the highway M05 (Kyiv-Odesa), which was one of the three most dangerous roads in Ukraine at that time.
Within the scopes of this project, three “round table” discussion sessions on road safety were conducted in Odesa, Uman, and Bila Tserkva with the representatives of local authorities, educators, public activists. 10 000 students of schools received the brochures “Safe road with Blahunchyky”, 2000 students took part in special lessons dedicated to the road safety rules and received light reflection sets of jackets, bracelets etc; more than 300 employees of OKKO filling stations took part in training on road safety and received light reflection sets.
This year we dedicated to road safety in the dark. After all, the number of accidents on the roads of Ukraine is impressive – only in 2019 there were more than 160 thousand accidents, more than 32 thousand people were injured. As a result of the accident 3454 people died, and 40% of them – due to a collision with a pedestrian.
A simple accessory – a reflector – can reduce the number of accidents in the dark, as it reduces the risk of a car crash by 6 times. To form a culture of using reflectors, we launched the project "Please, shine!", and the campaign was divided into two stages.
The first stage of the project is a laser projection of a social video on the building of the National Library named after V.I. Vernadsky. On the facade of the largest library in Ukraine for 3 days we broadcast the usual stories for all people: crossing the road, an emergency stop and a cyclist movement. In the video, we told and showed how reflectors save lives. For example, a person who crosses the road in dark clothes is completely invisible, and a reflector allows the driver to see a pedestrian 130 meters away.
The laser projection of the social video was broadcast online: on the first day of the action, the broadcast was watched by more than 20,000 people. The project managed to reach more than 2,000,000 Ukrainians on social networks.
The second stage of the project is the national Olympiad among Ukrainian schools "Please shine!". As part of the competition, students shot social videos about the importance of using reflective elements in the dark and posted them on social networks – Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube.
More than 100 schools from all over the country took part in the national Olympiad. Three schoolchildren won – students from Vyshhorod, Lviv and Rivne schools. The winners received an iPhone 11, and OKKO donated 100 sets of reflectors for students to the schools where the children study.
This year we have encouraged the drivers and pedestrians to stop using their smartphones and other devices when they are on the road. Therefore we developed a special VR-test for the clients and employees of the OKKO network. In the test, using modern virtual reality technologies, we modelled the situations that showed how dangerous it could be to chat, shoot stories, and surf on the Internet on the road. Everyone could take the VR-test in the central and regional offices of the company, in 30 OKKO filling stations and in 5 service centres of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, and Odesa.
In this period, we emphasized on using safety seat belts and children’s car seats. The project lasted for 6 months and covered almost 3.5 million Ukrainians. Approximately 20 thousands of drivers received thematic stickers; 1000 drivers took part in the thematic contest, and 80 won gift certificates for children’s car seats.
Within the scopes of the project, we announced the collection of dummy plugs for safety seat belts at OKKO filling stations. We collected more than 1000 dummy plugs, which we later used to create an unusual art object –a symbolic real size car seat. The platform of the sculpture consists of automobile glass broken in road accidents. The fixture for holding information board imitates a road sign hit by a car. This illustrative art object was exhibited in service centres of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities.
We conducted “Road Safety Day” at all OKKO filling stations. More than 10 thousands of clients of filling stations took part in those activities, refreshed their knowledge of road traffic rules and got thematic gift stickers for glass with pictures of “Blahunchyky”. We provided Ukrainian village libraries with 2 thousands of brochures “Safe road with Blahunchyky”.
The project was launched in 2014 in cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. It covered the settlements and OKKO filling stations, situated along the highway M05 (Kyiv-Odesa), which was one of the three most dangerous roads in Ukraine at that time.
Within the scopes of this project, three “round table” discussion sessions on road safety were conducted in Odesa, Uman, and Bila Tserkva with the representatives of local authorities, educators, public activists. 10 000 students of schools received the brochures “Safe road with Blahunchyky”, 2000 students took part in special lessons dedicated to the road safety rules and received light reflection sets of jackets, bracelets etc; more than 300 employees of OKKO filling stations took part in training on road safety and received light reflection sets.